Our reconditioning is covered under the terms and conditions set out below, please read the warranty before using this service. Making a decision to perform a pump regeneration means you agree to our terms.



The warranty is granted for a period of 6 months from the date of installation for regeneration of the SBC pump when the pump supplied with the vehicle also includes venting of the system. The warranty covers the regeneration or repair of the SBC pump diagnosed as damaged or questioned by the user when the pump is returned or the pump is delivered to the guarantor's seat together with the warranty card and assembly instructions, legibly signed by the SBC pump mechanic. Outside of Mercserwis. Complaints will be handled provided the pump is not disassembled, glued and untwisted by the user and all warranties will be in place. If the pump was shipped, the guarantor reserves the right to substitute the vehicle in which the pump is used for inspection, diagnosis and proper fitting in the vehicle. The warranty period is no more than 7 days from the delivery of the SBC pump or car to Mercserwis headquarters in Sosnowiec. Ensuring a reliable and long-lasting SBC pump is to maintain the braking system in perfect condition as well as take care of the electrical system of the car, replace the brake fluid every two years and carry out necessary repairs and faults of the system as soon as they occur. Do not make any changes to the car's electrical system, as the manufacturer does not recommend.


1. Before installing the pump, check the correct conduct of the hydraulic hoses and the condition and appearance of the electrical plug of the pump.

2. After installing the pump, check the masses under the bonnet, the battery clutch in the trunk, and the fuses for the pump, or there are no rust or burnt contacts.

3.A battery in the trunk must be selected according to the factory data, should be original or with increased AGM performance, with a minimum efficiency of 80%.

4.Brake pads and shields must not be worn below the minimum battle value.

5. Hydraulic units under the car and at the terminals must not be corroded or leaking, they must be verified.

6. Check the charging system, ie the V-belt and the alternator.

7. For venting, use a diagnostic computer with appropriate software to enable the bleeding procedure, eg Star Diagnosis, or Bosch KTS.

8. Bleeding can be carried out by a qualified and experienced person.

9. For venting we use DOT4 Bosch brake fluid.

10. During the procedure, a charger with a minimum charge of 15A must be connected to the battery in the trunk.